LeesonGrip Anti-Skid
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Jephson Gardens, in the heart of Leamington Spa, are a popular tourist attraction comprising formal gardens, a sub-tropical glasshouse and cafes. The pathways that lead the visitor around all of these facilities are surfaced with LeesonGrip 2:1 Anti-Skid. They were installed as part of an upgrade in 2014 along with the creation of a sensory garden. The gardens were initially laid in 1834 to entice the patrons of the nearby spa bath house and were named after Dr Henry Jephson in recognition of his work with the town’s poorer residents. The park has in the past been voted the Best Park in Britain and won the Green Flag award and featured in many television scenes.
The Thames Path is a national trail running for over 180 miles along the river Thames which begins at the river’s source in the Cotswolds, passing through Oxford, Henley and Windsor, and ends at Woolwich just a few miles from the sea. The path is flat, making for easy walking, and with much of the river being a busy waterway, there is usually plenty of activity to watch. LeesonGrip was chosen to upgrade a section near to the O2 (formerly Millennium Dome) and across from the stunning Royal Naval college. This provides a safe surface for the many cyclists and walkers that use the path daily as well as being resistant to any chemical spillages. The system was installed over the previous concrete surface and a primer was used before the LeesonGrip applied. The air temperature was above 200C so an accelerator addition was not needed and the site was reopened within 4 hours.

There has been a manor on this site as early as the 7th Century, but the current building was begun in the 16th Century and successive Lords of the Manor have made improvements. Many monarchs have been entertained there, including Elizabeth I in 1575. The hall was left vacant in the 20th Century and fell into decline until it was bought and converted to a luxury country house hotel.
In a recent upgrade, the pathways and driveways were laid with LeesonGrip with Danish Quartz aggregate for its high quality and elegant finish. This contrasts charmingly with the greenery and warm honey colour of the brick of the building.
The Folda Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the Foldereidsundet strait replacing the old ferry crossing. The length is 336 metres and at its northern end, the road enters the 230m long tunnel through a mountain before entering the village of Foldereid. The bridge was completed in 1969, but a recent upgrade included the installation of LeesonGrip, chosen for its high performance and functional properties, which was laid onto the concrete substrate. The bridge is a stunning example of modern engineering and every year thousands of tourists travel to Norway to visit the stunning fjords and bridges.
LeesonGrip 3VHB-1 is a high-performance coating system for marine applications, loading areas, bridge decking and other heavily trafficked areas. When the coating is dressed with aggregate it provides a heavy-duty high friction surface which is waterproof with a high thermal tolerance. With its Class 1 Fire Rating it has been installed onto many ramps and decks of ROROs (Roll On/Roll Off) which are large ocean-going vessels including PCTC (Pure Car/Truck Carrier) where new cars are transported across the seas for delivery. Having the best Anti-Slip products is essential when conditions can get very wet and unstable, but the LeesonGrip ensures improved safety and reduced accidents while providing long service life and minimal maintenance.
Traditionally known as the ‘The Broad’, Broad Street in central Oxford is known for its University Colleges, bookshops and cafes. The area has seen many events going back hundreds of years from executions to the opening of the world’s first public museum. Leeson Polyurethanes’ Anti-skid product was chosen to surface part of the street that has been designated for pedestrians and cyclists in a bid to free the city centre from vehicular traffic. Laid in 2005, and still in place today, the aggregate mix blends perfectly with the light stone colour of the buildings and creates a smooth base as well as being hard wearing. It demarks the pedestrian friendly area whilst making it a safe space for the many cyclists using the thoroughfare.

The owners of the Grade II listed High Hatton Hall in the county of Shropshire, commissioned a refurbishment of the walled gardens and installation of a pool, pathways and entrance driveway. The small country house, built in 1762, has changed hands many times since the original landlord and was once owned by Christchurch College, Oxford as a root farm. The paths and drive of the small country house were laid with LeesonGrip, the product being chosen for its quality and decorative finish, adding to the experience for the visitor as they are led around the parklands and lawns. The pale coloured stone creates a beautiful contrast to the green lawns and vibrantly planted herbaceous borders.
Upgrades to North Queensland intersections are being funded to improve safety and network efficiency at points where major highways meet. Leeson Grip D3149/20 was chosen due to its exceptional strength and flexibility as well as its excellent track record. Its installation was fast curing meaning the road could be opened quickly minimising the disruption to traffic.
For the safety of the passengers who may be rushing to catch a plane, LeesonGrip Anti-Skid system was installed at Terminal 2 of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. With installation time being of the essence and the need to reopen the section for travellers, the product was chosen because it is easy to spread and can be applied and smoothed rapidly. The fast-curing speed meant that the site was reopened to pedestrians in 4 hours causing minimal disruption to passengers.
Skid resistance is a major consideration on any road, but especially in tunnels where safety and consistent traffic flow is essential. Without the outside weather conditions, dirt and dust doesn’t get washed or blown away and gets stuck on the surfaces which can cause safety issues. LeesonGrip is specially formulated to be resistant to oil, diesel and petrol and gives an excellent wear performance on heavily trafficked roads. Visibility without natural lighting is also a factor in tunnels where light reflection and contrast is important. Coloured aggregates can be used with the system for demarcation of lanes as well as the ability to detect objects and other road users. It is non-flammable making it significantly safer in a fire which can be catastrophic in a tunnel.
20,000m2 of LeesonGrip 2-1 D3149 Anti-Skid was installed onto a Toll Road in Taluca, Mexico to create a safe surface for traffic. The concrete surface of the busy road had become too smooth from the constant wear and was now a danger to vehicles with an increase in the accident rate. The toll road connects the cities of Toluca and Mexico City and is used by about 180,000 people each day commuting between the two. To keep the surface at a high friction level and to ensure the ongoing operation of the road, LeesonGrip was installed and dramatically reduced the number of casualties recorded

The Hardanger suspension bridge is one of the longest in the world, its main span being 1,310m. It is located in the Hordaland County of Norway and crosses the Hardangerfjorden at its Eidfjorden branch and reduces travelling time between Oslo and Bergen. As the estimated traffic for the bridge was predicted at over 2,000 vehicles per day, a quality, hardwearing product was needed to surface the carriageway. LeesonGrip was chosen for the two driving lanes for cars and a separate lane for pedestrians and cyclists along its 1,380m length of road. The impressive bridge stands 60m above the water and has two 200m-tall towers.
Okahu Bay Harbour is situated on the Tamaki Drive near to Auckland. The harbour was constructed in 2015 because Okahu Bay was becoming polluted from the engines of so many boats moored in it. It also had problems with the dumping of rubbish, so a new marina was installed to take the boats away from the ancient harbour and a mass clean up ensued. With the installation of LeesonGrip 2-1 with Buff Bauxite aggregate, the new marina now looks modern, fresh and inviting. The anti-slip product offered the solution to ensure pedestrians walking on wet and slippery areas were safe from accidents. It was the ideal choice for the environment and will withstand severe climatic variables.
The residents of the historic village of Langport were very concerned with speeding vehicles passing through its narrow streets that they successfully campaigned for the installation of a 20mph speed restriction through the main road. LeesonGrip mixed with red aggregate was chosen to draw attention to and emphasise the change in speed at every 20mph repeater sign. Nationwide, studies have shown a reduction in collisions and casualties on the roads where a 20mph limit has been introduced.